Welcome to ESC Academy. You made the right decision to join us. Please select the appropriate program based on your purchase, and we will see you inside.

Experience Sustainable Change is where old mindsets shift to make way to positive and new ones. Here healing from emotional and physical pain occurred. Members take hold of divine power, joy, and freedom.



  • Self-discovery assessment  Document and audio) 
  • Mind Detox (tips and techniques on how to detox the mind from self-sabotaging beliefs, self-fulfilling prophecy, how to take control of your thoughts, and how to take charge of your life   
  • Nutritional guide (sample meal plan and how to transition to plant-based lifestyle).
  • Prayer and meditation (the greatest Source of power is at your disposal)
  • Feel free to ask questions on any  of the topics


As standard members, you have access to all the content, including bi-weekly counseling as needed. In addition, your program will include documents and videos on the following:

  • Self-discovery assessment
  • Mind, body, and soul detox
  • Nutritional guide or plan
  • Prayer and meditation 
  • Weekly coaching sessions
  • ESC Courses  (Seven transformational modules)
  • TOC courses Six-course module to help you become a leader in filed


 As premium members, you have access to all the content, including the Experience Change seven module course and weekly counseling as needed. Your program will include documents and videos on the following:

  • Self-discovery assessment
  • Mind, body, and soul detox ( (tips and techniques on how to detox the mind from self-sabotaging beliefs, self-fulfilling prophecy, how to take control of your thoughts, and how to take charge of your life).
  • Nutritional guide or plan
  • Prayer and meditation 
  • Biweekly coaching sessions


there are eight natural laws of health that, when followed carefully, help us prevent lifestyle diseases: These are Nutrition, Exercise, water, sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God. They are pretty east to follow when our minds visualize the benefits to our overall being.

Obedient Law of Action

God, the Creator of our bodies, has arranged every fiber and nerve and sinew and muscle, and has pledged himself to keep the machinery in order if the human agent will co-operate with Him and obey the laws that govern this beautifully created human body, the obedients will experience uptimum health.

Mindset Shifting Exercises

Our thoughts affect our behavior. Therefore, to experience sustainable change, we need to work on our thoughts process. A critical mindset shifting exercise eliminates negative thoughts and replaces them with positive ones that help us succeed in every task we undertake.

Sample meal plans

In this program, we focus on eating healing foods. Even though our goal is to distinguish between healing foods and poisonous ones, we are not a one size fits all program.

Each plan is specific to a world region. Each of our client/students learns how to plan a healthy meal based on what is available.

Experience Sustainable Course

These modules are the steps to follow from the time you contemplate the change , to becoming an Agent of Change for others.

  • Module one : The Realization. 
  • Module two: The Decision to Change
  • Module three: Taking Action
  • Module four: Embracing the Change
  • Module five: Living the Change
  • Module 6: Sustaining the Change
  • Module seven: Becoming a Change Agent

Are you tired of  any of the following:

  • The feeling of  guilt and  shame
  • Bad decision-making
  • Dieting-relapse cycle
  • Pain in your joint
  • Feeling sluggish in the morning
  • Feeling of inadequacy
  • Feeling unappreciated
  • Emotionally drained all the time and need caffeine to go through your day.
  • Inability to stick to an exercise regimen.
  • If you are, then you came to the right place.  Here, you will discover your hidden strengths. You will get access to omnipotence and the ability to take your power back and obtain freedom. You are finally on your way to wellness to fulfill your purpose.

Get ready to take your power back. Get ready to live! 

During this course, you will discover who you are, where you came from, why it is tied to your purpose.

The joy of unearthing your genius, overcoming obstacles to find peace, love and contentment is exhilarating.

Experience Sustainable is contagious. One cannot help, but pass it along.


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